Helma Sanders-Brahms (Germany, Pale Mother) wrote and directed this gripping family drama that focuses on three generations of women. Brigitte Fossey (Cinema Paradiso) is Isabelle, a successful film actress whose young daughter, Emily, is frequently cared for by Isabelle's parents (Hildegarde Knef and Ivan Desny) in Normandy while she's away working. After a production ends in Berlin, Isabelle returns to visit her daughter, but the rejoicing is short-lived. Her smitten costar (Herman Treusch) follows, and his presence sets off an intense clash between the self-centered thespian and her mother. "With sensitivity, imagination, control, and razor-sharp insight, Sanders-Brahms has delivered a multi-layered essay on life, art, parenthood, and the patterns of generations...a powerful, if more loving, cousin to Berman's Autumn Sonata" (The Faber Companion to Foreign Films). Cinematography by Sacha Vierny. In German with English subtitles.
Helma Sanders-Brahms---West Germany/France---1985---108 mins.