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This Arte France television production takes viewers into the heart of the "first arts," introducing major artistic pieces from African, Oceania, South America, and Asia. Each of the six half-hour segments in the Arts du Mythe series explores the myths behind a magnificent work of art, including a horse-head fiddle from Mongolia, a white headdress from the Kayapo Indians of the Amazon, and a jade pendant from the Maoris of New Zealand. The programs offer insight into the creation of the pieces, their uses, history, and cultural significance then and now. According to co-director Ludovic Segarra, "I would like these films to send a shiver...to send a shock of the same order as when primitive African art exploded on the scene between 1910 and 1920, creating a revolution in art." In English, French and German with English subtitles.

Philippe Truffault/Ludovic Segarra/Jean-Loic Portron---France---2006---156 mins.